Monday, August 17, 2009


second version (edited)

a trail of fur lined escapades
little spikes in the sine waves
measure broken distance
over that horizon

eating out of the hand
the beginning of life
and the end of our time

do not gather around

silence grows from underground
all those years of living
not even a shred of memory
remains only your photograph
and the electrographic
traces in the mirror dust
static and misplaced

like wires that connect our shame
to the animal self

first version

a trail of dead foxes with hidden pieces
torn edges and mirror glass
hiding revelation and death
the loss of yesteryear
abandoned scars speak of
promises unreserved

a trail of fur lined escapades
little spikes in the sine waves
measure broken distance
over that horizon
eating out of the hand
the beginning of life
and the end of our time

give me a word
give me a sound
wear these gloves
and rip away
the sound of love

make it hurt
pull my hair
rub it in dirt
flames fill the air

take me from my mother's breast
lips and laughter
tortured skin
and the slaughter that follows after

does not gather around
silence grows from underground
all those years of living
not even a shred of memory
remains only your photographic
memory and the electrographic
traces on the mirror dust
static silence and misplaced
wires connect our shame
to the animal self

You said I would for ever regret
but when its gone, I may forget

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